Alright, finally updated! TEN new pieces of fiction up on the Fiction page and a paper dealing with Rousseau and Scottish Home Rule put up on this page. Cheers! ~Gaels

Click on the links and have fun exploring all the goodies!

I'm sooo proud! My very first award! See see! *grins as it's plastered acrossed her site for everyone to see*

Ahh! See See! I'm soo proud! My second award! *ooo's and awes as she sees it plaster acrossed the screen*

LOL! My third award concerning one of my RPGs!

Ah ha! Lookie here! My Mizzie rpg has won yet another award! The most insane Mizzie rpg, run by the most insane players! Awe, gee, thanx Jem!

Like to read fanfics or just stories in general? Click on the sword and head to my collection

Into history? How about the origins of writing? Our world would not exist without it. If any of this appeals to you, click on the picture and read about it

A political paper dealing with the question of Scottish Home Rule and the recent "Yes; Yes" vote for a government with their own tax varying powers. Rousseau and his Social Contract are involved, not an easy read, but there is a fair chunck of Scottish history involved.

Ah ha! Says Gaelic, I've finally found a laughable graphic for my Les Misérables rp board. Come on inside and check it out!

A paper dealing with the characters of Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert from Les Misérables

From Darkness to the Light

These are my Mizzie adoptions, come in and have a look

My faery Beltaine

A paper, in French, on one of my favourite subjects, French history. Have your French dictionaries handy, and read about the twelve who ruled during La Terreur. (Thanx to www.theodora.com/flags and Jem for the Tricouleur)

Over the years, I've developed my passion for history. At the tender age of 5, my parents took me to the Jorvik Viking Centre in York, England. There I experienced for the first time, my heart skipping a beat. I was in love. This passion has since grown to adore all history, but Viking history, and ancient/Medieval northern European has always been closest to my heart. Though Viking and Germanic trivia are not up yet, come on into my history trivia page, and learn things you may not have known.

Nifty History Tidbits

Come and see my art gallery. Click on Crïa and she'll take you through

Want to chat? Come on over to my chat board and chat away. Click on the kitt and step inside

Gael's got an award! Gael's got an award! Wanna win it? Check it out. Gaelic's Award


What do you think? I need a lot more material, so send it my way please and thanx. Until we meet again, cheerio and safe journeys!! Gaelic

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