To all those who made this page possible thank you.

@}~`~,~ First and formost, to my parents. With their constant threats, and nagging vocals, but mostly with their continual praise and encouragement, they stood by me, and watched this come to life.
@}~`~,~ Next to my teachers who gave me so little homework, that I could finish it in class and when I came home I could work on this. Okay, okay okay, seriously, thank you to my history teachers for giving me the information on this site, to my gr. 11 English teacher who gave me wings in my expressed fields of intrest, history and archaeology, to my gr. 11 biology teacher who's arooskis made us laugh, for being everyone's buddy, and affirmed my love of science, and to my OA bio teacher who is re-affirming my love of science. Good teachers are one in a million, but I seem to have gotten the cream of the crop :)
@}~`~,~ To my best mate in the whole wide world for the past 7 years, Sare. For constantly thinking that this was idiotic and I was stupid. Thank you sooo much! Luv ya! But when this finally came together, looking at it in awe. Thanx
@}~`~,~ To all my online buddies for visiting, and being there when I needed you most. Sorry for not having much done. To Krisserers, Nik, Ann, Munks, Tanto, Krust, and soo many more. Thanx for watching out for me, and letting me watch out for you.
@}~`~,~ Krisserers, what else can I say? THANK YOU! You were my first online buddy and we've stuck together like birds of a feather or very close friends, which we are. My online sister! Cross my Scottish heart! I still owe you that fishie-ing trip :)
@}~`~,~ Thanx to Mum, you know who you are, for being my online mum after I had sugery to my knee. It's an absolute delight to hear from you. Thank you.
@}~`~,~ Many heart felt thanx to two of my closest friends Munks and Tanto. A constant laugh and so much fun to goof off with, you gals mean soo much to me. I'm still in awe that you risked calling me when I was out for 6 weeks. Thank you soo much!
@}~`~,~ Special thanx goes to my brother for just being himself. Love ya but I don't say it enough, if at all.
@}~`~,~ Thanx goes to everyone who sent me or wacked me over the head with material. Site wouldn't be the same with my silly thangs
@}~`~,~ Extra special thanx goes to Misto. Without his nagging, ;) assistance, friendship and just being there, this site wouldn't be possible, cuz I wouldn't be on as much to get it done and I'd be too daft to recongnize the html code. (Thought I'd forgotten you eh?) I still cannot believe that you cared enough to send me a card during my forced absence. Thank you, or tapadh leat ;)

@}~`~,~ I know I've left a lot of people out and I do apologize profusely, but there's one more, well ten more to thank. THANK YOU FINGERS AND THUMBS! Without you, none of this would be possible. Through sprains, bruising, constant cold temperature, and surgery, I thank thee for never dying, or giving up or cramping on me. Thank you.

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